Video Blogs

Dr. Warren has turned many of her popular blog topics into video blogs for her audience.  She offers demonstrations, multisensory teaching strategies, technology tips, and more.  She offers two blogs.  

What is a Video Blog or Vlog: 

A video blog, video log or vlog, is a visual blog that uses video, imagery, text, voice overs and music to present a topic of interest.  

Does Dr. Warren offer any live presentations?

Yes, Dr. Warren now offers live workshops every month.  They are about an hour long and they leave time for a question and answer session.  They are conducted through Zoom for a $12.00 fee.  Past presentations can also be purchased from Good Sensory Learning.  To learn more, CLICK HERE.  To learn about her coming Zoom workshops, join her once a month newsletter: 

Newsletter signup: 

Here is a selection of vlogs covered by Dr. Warren. 

Click on the image to view the video.

Amazon echo for education

Student doing voice to text on Google docs

Dr. Warren demonstrates writing on pdfs using Zoom

 student getting cognitive remedial therapy

12 Ways of Learning

Lesson on angles


Text to Speech

multisensory instruction with Dr. Warren and student

Reading comprehension problems and solutions

A powerful way to teach main ideas and details


Two kids looking at each other with their brains activitated


Two Aliens having fun with Fractions


Colorful ways of learning


Tutor with kid using video lessons

Executive functioning workbook pages and resources

mindful students

Executive functioning card games


Dyslexia cognitive remedial therapy